Whether you have contacted factories in China yourself, or we have sourced products for you in house the purchasing process of goods from Chinese factories is all handled by the SWANSHELL CHINA Shanghai office. Before we make payments to factories we first need to verify their credentials. Once we have established this and signed all relevant contracts with the factory we then make a 30% deposit to the factory/factories for the goods. The balance is then paid once goods have passed our quality control checks and have been delivered to our warehouse ready for export. As we are also able to pay for goods in Chinese Yuan we can in some cases obtain a better purchasing price.
When purchasing goods through SWANSHELL CHINA the entire export and import process is handled by us. Our Import/Export services make it possible for business or individuals that have no knowledge or experience of import/export to successfully import goods from China hassle free. If you are in Australia these procedures are handled by SWANSHELL CHINA PTY LTD. ?For all other countries we will appoint an agent to you who will arrange the importing and delivery of your products.
For EXPORT from Australia please contact our experts at Swanshell Pty Ltd for a marketing plan or advice.
SWANSHELL CHINA an extensive data base and has direct access to 20,000 factories all over China. ?We deal directly with the factories – not through agents.? We also have Chinese employees who are experienced in sourcing and work with us to support your requirements.
As any experienced importer of Chinese goods would most probably know to well, one of the most common problems for any business or individual importing goods from China is the quality of the products. ?All goods exported by SWANSHELL CHINA will go through a Quality Control inspection before they are exported.? We have different levels of quality control depending on our member’s requirements and the products involved.? Our basic Quality Control check is cross referenced with the sales contract with the factory and our members. This ensures that basic points are covered, quantities, colours, power supply. We also test a percentage of products to detect any faulty goods or pick up any obvious defects.? SWANSHELL CHINA also works with a range of organizations across China who are able to carry out advanced mechanical and chemical, inspections. ?Although most QC is done in house we also work with several inspection companies depending on the products and expertise required.
Once per month we run an exports to Australia which are made up of smaller orders from our members. This means we can export smaller quantities of goods for our members in a way that gives them the same cost advantage as companies that import their own container loads. This is a very unique service and one that offers smaller companies and individuals the chance to compete, if not beat the big players on price!
We can export FCL (full container load) and LCL less than container load to any major port in the world using China Shipping and other major shipping lines. ?We arrange the entire process from exporting your goods from China to delivering to your door.
Often when business or especially individuals import good into their country they often find that they are hit with a nasty surprise when they goods arrive in the form of a large bill from a freight agent. Yes there are essential costs, VAT and Duty etc. But all the other charges freight, paperwork, document handling, port charges, customs clearance and transport are often charged much higher than they should be. ?At SWANSHELL CHINA we look after our members interests not just with exporting but the entire import process right up to getting your goods to your door. ?You will find all the fees are the cheapest possible rates due to the volume we bring in and we are very transparent about these charges from the outset.? We are also able to provide a total landed & door to door quote before you go ahead with placing your order.
Unfortunately containers do sometimes fall off the boat during transit or in rough seas.? Movement inside the container can cause goods to be damaged. ?When importing goods with SWANSHELL CHINA your goods will be insured by us during transit against damage and loss. ?All the prices of products we quote include insurance cost (CIF) we recognize that your order is an investment and as such we do not believe that this should not be covered against loss or damage.
One of the things that puts many people off importing is the minefield of customs clearance, tax, duty, commodity codes etc. ?At SWANSHELL CHINA we arrange for your goods to be cleared through customs and handle all paperwork on your behalf, we take care of all tax and duty and handle the whole lot in the most cost effective way. ?In short, SWANSHELL CHINA takes care of all of this for you. ?We will explain and educate you how it all works as we believe that in order to build the best trading relationships an appreciation of how each others business works goes a long way. ?If you are an experienced importer and wish to handle your own imports, naturally this is fine with us.
If you’re looking to get something more specific manufactured in China we will find and arrange a reputable factory to produce your goods. ?Whether you want your goods branding with your logo on, products produced from your sample or generic goods adapted to your requirements we will arrange and oversee the production of these goods.
Swanshell China normally quotes goods as “CIF” and sometimes “FOB”.? We can quote in most currencies but normally in AUD, USD or Rmb.? We use standard international terms of sale.
Swanshell China- Pty Ltd is an Australian trading company registered in the Australian Capital Territory on 6th. of May 2003The company provides a range of specific products and can source product and act as sales agents in Australia and China.